There are 3 local teachers for Bilingual Teaching at SSPS. All of them, with the English-related teaching backgrounds, are our major powerful teaching group. In addition to designing basic English courses, bilingual integration teaching, and festival teaching, the teaching content also conducts various assessment activities.
喜樹國小雙語師資規畫,目前擔任雙語教學工作之本國籍教師共有 3 位,分別擔任低中高年級雙語生活課程、中高年級雙語學科課程,以及校訂課程等授課,教學內容除了設計基礎英語課程、雙語融入領域教學、節慶教學外,更不定期進行各式闖關評量活動。
Currently(2023), we have 2 foreign teaching assistants at our school for Bilingual Teaching affairs, who are from Indonesia and United Republic of Tanzania. In addition to teaching, foreign teachers also participate in the seminars, regular observation classes in school. Foreign teachers also help to write the "Bilingual Teaching Activity Agenda" of the school, and join the English festival activities or competitions in school.
本校協助雙語教學的外籍助理教師共計 2 位,分別來自印尼和坦尚尼亞;除一般教學外,外師也參與學校教學研討會議、定期進行觀議課、編寫「雙語教學活動」、規劃校內英語節慶教學活動、協助學生了解不同國際文化,更協助布置校園內相關英語情境等。